🚨 First100 Launch is Coming 🚀

Following the success of the Founders 50 program, and recent Alpha prototype tests, interest has been spiking!
This Friday at noon, February 23rd, we are opening orders for the first 100 full production bikes. We are calling this program the "Dust First100." These bikes will feature serial #'s 001-100. The program will be set up as a monthly subscription, giving you access to member meetings, newsletters, behind the scenes updates, and delivery of one of the first 100 bikes off the production line. We are targeting delivery in July 2025.
Counter to many other brands, we have committed to opening up access to our development process for early customers and fans, to ensure that the product YOU want gets built.
Further information about the First100 crowdfund can be found via the link above.
Be sure to check out the video below as Dust CEO, Colin Godby, and Nathan Weaver from Charged Cycle Works, go in depth on the Dust business model and the Alpha_1 Prototype.
CEO, Colin Godby, goes in-depth on the Alpha proto with Charged Cycle Works. 🎥 Charged Cycle Works
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